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Department of Skills Development, Asian Academic Society for Vocational Education and Training (AASVET) and Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM) are jointly organizing OSAIC 2019 to provide a platform to discuss critical issues on future of TVET occupational standards and qualification in the era of the digital economy. Recent innovative research and development in the Asian region and as well as in other parts of the world could be shared and exchanged through this conference, with the hope to further advance the new knowledge and best practices especially with regard to the future of TVET Occupational Standards and Qualification in the Era of Digital Economy. The rise of digital workers requires a new curriculum and standard to prepare future talents which are industry-driven. Thus, stakeholders, practitioners, and students from public and private sectors from varied countries are invited to participate in this conference.

The theme of this international conference is: 

Future of TVET Occupational Standards and Qualification in the Era of Digital Economy

And the sub-themes: 

  1. TVET Occupational Standards

  2. Developing TVET Talent for Digital Economy

  3. IR4.0 and the Future of TVET

  4. Green TVET 

  5. STEM & TVET

  6. TVET Teacher Education in IR4.0

  7. Technopreneurship in IR4.0  

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